I'm near Lansing. I was never a JW, but just wanted to say hello!
Faithful Witness
JoinedPosts by Faithful Witness
Anyone from Plymouth MI or Wayne/Westland or Howell MI.
by firestillon injust found this site and still finding my way around.
seeing if there are any old acquaintances here from the areas above.
i and my wife were in those cities till around 1989. drop a note if you were too or know us.
Faithful Witness
JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 in1) many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic).
2) equal monthly pay to all members of the bethel community regardless of whether they are bc members or sweepers.
this is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world.
Faithful Witness
One other point that continues to confuse me, and even you seem conflicted about it: individual vs. organization.
You say:
Hence discreet ones will take benefit from their good points and ignore the rest. Because judgment is on individuals (not on the organizations, religions, nations ... etc)—Mathew 25:31-46.
But later, you say:
However, asserting implies trying to prove that individual is more important than the organization, hence such individual should be shown the exit so that he can enjoy life outside the boundary!
This particular part of your story is interesting to me. Are you allowed freedom of expression and belief?
When I found certain things confusing, I brought to the attention of the higher-ups who, in turn, told me to wait for Jehovah.
Who is the author of confusion?
Genesis 3:4
At this the serpent said to the woman: “YOU positively will not die."I also noticed that you referenced this parable from Matthew, to illustrate that an individual's actions will be judged.
Are JW's serving God, or are they serving the advancement of their own organization? They seem so intent on proving that they are right, and vindication... yet, they ignore these instructions from Jesus Christ himself:
Matthew 25:31-46 (NWT 2013)
Q. Was Jesus telling them to PREACH to the poor, the hungry and the homeless? Or was he talking about actual food?
31 “When the Son of man+ comes in his glory, and all the angels with him,+ then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep+ on his right hand, but the goats on his left.+ 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right: ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably;+ 36 naked* and you clothed me.+ I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me.’+ 37 Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?+ 38 When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’+ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left: ‘Go away from me,+ you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire+ prepared for the Devil and his angels.+ 42 For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat; and I was thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink. 43 I was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’ 44 Then they too will answer with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’+ 46 These will depart into everlasting cutting-off,*+ but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”+ -
JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 in1) many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic).
2) equal monthly pay to all members of the bethel community regardless of whether they are bc members or sweepers.
this is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world.
Faithful Witness
lsw1961 : Thanks for taking the time to compose and share your thoughts about the "good points" of the Watchtower organization. It's nice to see someone who seems happy and content with the life they choose to lead. Congratulations on your decision to turn your life around, and walk away from the destructive behaviors and thinking of your past. You don't have to justify your beliefs to anyone. I commend you for being bold enough to state your case.There are a lot of people here who have been deeply hurt by the policies and misguided teachings of the Watchtower organization. I appreciate that you take the time to consider the reactions to your claims, and even to give response. I hope you will consider responding to mine.
I've never been a JW myself, but do try to keep up, as I have family members who no longer communicate with me because of their dedication to this organization.
I have many thoughts about your comments, but one stands out to me.
I wondered if you believe that an individual is allowed to consider BOTH sides of a story.
Does an individual have the freedom of expression and beliefs, if they want to be a JW in good standing?
For example, you said:
4) Numerous legal victories in favor of freedom of expression and beliefs have helped even non-JWs also.
Have you read the multiple stories of the legal battles the Watchtower has lost in recent years, because of their policies regarding known child sexual abusers who serve and preach? There have been very prominent cases in Europe, US, Australia.
The Watchtower does NOT, in fact, favor freedom of expression and beliefs...
(you shared an example, when you had questions, and you were not given a satisfactory explanation... and you decided to put aside your freedom of expression, in favor of faith in a society that makes some very grand claims about themselves).
When I was a bible student, it was presented to me as the Truth, absolutely. I had to believe it all, and was not allowed to pick which parts of their teachings applied to me.
The Stupidity of the "Preaching Work" ...
by Muddy Waters inthis came up in another thread and i wondered if any one else thought this way while they were still in..... - that it is actually better not to preach as people who don't hear "the truth" are said to be given a resurrection rather than the poor saps who refused a paltry magazine and now merit everlasting destruction..
Faithful Witness
Does this explain why my parents and sister don't try to convert their own family members?
How long till the hounders come back ?
by Clambake inafter having a baby ?
we just had an elder drop by and invite my wife to the kh with a 21 day old baby.. i thought it was kind of classless.
Faithful Witness
Congratulations!! Enjoy your baby time... Keep your child away from these people for as long as you can.
I would like to second this comment:
Also they all think they have a right to hold your baby and pass it around and are offended when you say no!
As a non-JW, I found them to be extremely RUDE and grabby with my baby.
"He will never get used to other people holding him..." I was scolded once. He was happy with me, and I was happy to hold him!
I once had to hunt a young woman down, to find where my crying baby was... she took him into the restroom. She really wanted a baby of her own, and stated, "My husband won't let me have one..." (ugh. Wonder why, psycho! Now give him back, please! He doesn't like you!!)
Again, SO glad we got out before we were even talking about baptism... and that my children have no recollection of going inside a KH.
Possible crack in the door that I can expose
by WasOnceBlind inso on monday when i went to pick up my son from my mom i noticed a framed print out of a poem on my moms living room.
it was in spanish but i read it and i was kind of surprised at what it said.
i don't remember it verbatim but i would go as far as to say it had some apostate factors in there.
Faithful Witness
OneEyedJoe: That's when they start inventing their own theology and saying things about how loving the organization is and how it's the best way of life.
This is exactly what my mother did, in a recent conversation I had with her.
She then proposed the question, "Would you have wasted your life, if you died and found out that none of it was true after all?"
... and I said, "Of course not. I wouldn't regret being good and doing my best... I do that now. ... (pause)... OR how about... you get to the end, and realize, (gasp) OH NO! There IS a Hell!!"
She smirked at that, and simply said, "Oh yeah... I was GLAD to get rid of that idea!"
Wow, Mom... really?? *smh
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Faithful Witness
Faithful Witness
My mother, father, sister, brother-in-law, and niece (now 13) are all baptized converts. My sister no longer speaks to me, or allows her children (nephew is 11) near me.
My mom and I had a long talk a couple of weeks ago, and I got to hear some of her reasoning about the JW's. It was very interesting.
She doesn't really seem to have any true friends in the congregation, or anyone she would feel comfortable asking questions. She admits to being confused, and really put that confusion in a spotlight, when she attempted to explain the idea of an overlapping generation and how 1914 was still important.
She couldn't answer any of my real questions, but seems to be in love with a few of their unique beliefs.
- She would prefer to live forever on earth, than to go to heaven ("What would you do up there, anyway?")
- No hell.
- The resurrection of anyone who dies before Armageddon, so she can see her own mother again, and hopefully convert her.
She also claims to enjoy field service. "It's actually kinda fun!"
I can't speak for my other family members... but my mom, while admitting, "I know I'm not 100% in this," seems to have herself convinced that it's all worth the effort right now. This religion has torn our family apart. It's sad.
Faithful Witness
Thanks for starting this thread. You got some good replies.
It almost seems like perhaps born-ins consider the converts to be a bit stupid, to have been sucked in by it all.
I couldn't agree more with this statement! I was never actually converted, but I did fall in love with the idea for awhile. Luckily for us, we awoke in time to get out before it was too late. Our withdrawal was very easy. However, my parents and sister ended up joining, and I often wonder if I could have rescued them before they jumped in the pool.
For me, the first approach by JW's, was when I was separated from my husband. I loved my new "friends," and it was so easy to feel loved and accepted. They seemed so happy! I ended up going back to my husband, and they sent a follow-up referral to our home a few months later.
Again, I was courted by new friends, and was eager to become a better person and learn about the Bible. Their program was so organized, and I think the structure gave me some comfort, when my life felt so chaotic and without purpose. Little by little, they worked on me, encouraging me to ask as many questions as I could think to ask... "Do your research, and see! We have the TRUTH!"
It all fell apart, when our independent research turned up some evidence of past events and prophecies that they hadn't mentioned. When I asked about them, we were suddenly accused of "listening to apostates!" (first time hearing that word...)
That reasoning didn't make sense to us. Why can't you listen to an ex-JW, if you want to know what it's like to be a JW?
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Faithful Witness
We are in Michigan, USA. :o)